Hi S.E, Can you tell my readers a little about yourself?
SE can't
remember a time when she didn't have a book in her hand. Now she writes her own
stories where her favourite words are ...'what if' and 'where'?
She writes in the genres of sci fi / futuristic, fantasy, post apocalyptic/dystopian, historical and contemporary rural romance. The heat level of her stories range from scorching to sweet and everything in between.
SE lives down-under, in the beautiful Hunter Valley of Australia.
She is published with Momentum Moonlight, and Escape Publishing, and is also an indie author.
She writes in the genres of sci fi / futuristic, fantasy, post apocalyptic/dystopian, historical and contemporary rural romance. The heat level of her stories range from scorching to sweet and everything in between.
SE lives down-under, in the beautiful Hunter Valley of Australia.
She is published with Momentum Moonlight, and Escape Publishing, and is also an indie author.
Now how about some questions from my readers?
Q: Do you write on a schedule or when the Muse
decides? Definitely on a schedule as I work full
time and my writing is squeezed into what’s left. However, I always carry pen
and paper with me and scribble down ideas and notes as they occur – even during
the night.
Can you tell us about your writing process, for example, do you write an
outline first? The first thing that usually comes
to me, is an idea or event / situation after that the characters arrive. At
this stage they are fairly shadowy figures. I’ll write anything from one to
four chapters before I sit down and do a story outline and more indepth
character sheets. I find this process works best for me.
Q: What qualities do you instill in your heroes?
Kindness, generosity of spirit,
protectiveness and an ability to acknowledge when they are wrong and grow.
Also, they need to be able to ask for directions.
Coffee or tea? I’m a tea drinker – china cops and
a brewed pot – lovely.
Beach or countryside? Beach – I love early
morning walks across the sand.
Do you write about the places you know or prefer to take your readers to exotic
places? I have written about places I know for
example in Storm of Fire & Paying the Forfeit I set these stories in a
futuristic outback Queensland. Dance in the Outback was based on my travels
around Australia and the time I spent on a cattle station. My sci fi romances I
would have to say, they are out of my imagination plus the numerous books and
TV series I have watched / read in that genre.
Where do you get your inspiration? Often
an article I read, provides me with a germ of an idea and it flows from there
after a lot of ‘what if’s and ‘whys’. My sons are great with providing ideas
for my spec fiction stories and my youngest in particular is very helpful with
the dash of physics I include (or dabble with until they bare no resemblance to
anything possible – lol).
Would you change anything in your life to make writing easier. I’d
love to be able to write full time however I often wonder whether that would
take the sparkle out of my passion once it became the source of my livelihood.
We have all suffered submission rejections. How do you cope? Do you have any
advice to other writers on coping with rejection? After
weeping and railing and tearing my hair out and feeling like the worst writer
in the world and off loading onto my writing mates, I accept it and move on. If
I’ve been lucky enough to have received a reason / advice, I take a good look at
my story and see if / where I can improve. Then I write another one and keep
What do you like to read and who are your favourite authors? I
read a lot of crime fiction and adventure novels. Oh and mysteries and romance
and love science fiction romance stories. Actually I’ll read anything apart
from horror. Favourite authors – too many really but here are a few: John
Birmingham, Kerry Greenwood, Elizabeth Peters, Anne Gracie, Agatha Christie,
Lisa Gardiner, Karen Marie Moning....
Do you write one novel at a time or do you move between works in progress? I
try to stay focussed on the one novel otherwise I’d have too many on the go and
never finish anything.
Do you have times when the Muse is away on holiday? OMG,
YES! And its often when I need her the most.
What motivates you to write? Deadlines; I try to
give myself deadlines otherwise I’d procrastinate and research until the cows
come home.
What advice would you give to unpublished authors approaching an e publisher? Be
professional, courteous and treat it like a business interview. Ensure the e
publisher has been around for a while and has a good reputation in the market
place. See what they can do for you in relation to marketing, promotion. Take a
good look at their list of authors, do you recognise their names? Do you like
their covers? Buy one or two and see how professionally edited they may be –
basically do your homework. Never
sign anything you are uncomfortable with, don’t give away all your rights and
try for a fixed term contract.
Is there anything you would like to share with us about upcoming releases? Oooh,
yes please. My sci fi romance Star Pirate’s Justice was released 1st February
with Escape Publishing and I’m running a contest / giveaway on my blog (as well
as on other lovely people’s blogs) until 16th Feb. Be sure to check it out.
Can you tell us a little about your current novel?
What inspired you to write this story? At the moment I’m writing the third
single title book in my Darkon Warriors sci fi series (titled, When Stars
Collide). Its a continuation of the external story line with more focus on the
‘baddie’ who has, so far, been mainly lurking in the background.
Star Pirate’s Justice
Blurb: BLURB: Carly has one focus in her
life: to return home to her terminally ill younger sister. When she learns that
a Darkon traitor possesses gateway maps to Earth, she uses all her skills to
track him down. But capturing the charming star pirate turns out to be trickier
than she anticipated…
Volkar is
determined to prove his innocence to those who drove him to a life lived on the
Outer Rim, and he will overcome anyone who gets in his way. But his
surprisingly sweet captor has some skills that will come in handy, so he
strikes a deal: the maps for her help. Neither expect their partnership to turn
into more, but as dark secrets are revealed, their lives become forfeit — and
the relationship blossoming between them nothing but a starburst of happiness
in the deep shadow of the sky…
Here’s a little
excerpt when Carly and Volkar first meet taken from Star Pirate’s Justice © S.
E. Gilchrist 2014 :
Reaches of the Besa System…..
Carly lunged from the chair and grasped the
weapon with eager fingers. But the Darkon had moved too. He popped into her
field of vision like an evil genie, gripped her hand with his larger one,
tightening as she tried to tug free, her bones feeling crushed. Her screech was
loud enough to wake the dead.
The stunner was wrenched from her numb
fingers and tossed onto the floor. Strong hands grabbed her waist, plopped her
back into the command chair and she looked up into her former prisoner’s
implacable face as he stared down at her. With his hands clamped either side
onto the chair’s armrests, his body looming over her cringing figure, she had
nowhere to run. Couldn’t even move, as any attempt to slip from the chair would
ensure she’d make physical contact with him. At the thought of colliding with
that powerful form, she shrank a tad closer into the back of the chair.
“How did you escape?” she mumbled, her gaze
trapped by the narrowed intensity of his stare.
Her head whirled with snippets of the
back-handed whispers she had gleaned about this warrior, his feats as a
re-known soldier, his dark deeds as a traitor. She waited, imprisoned, for him
to strike. Strange how instead of the shoulder length locks of other Darkon
warriors, he wore his hair short, in a shaggy style that gave him a tousled,
just out-of-bed look.
mega bytes, where had that thought come from?
Carly snapped upright, forcing him to jerk
out of the way before she rammed his chin with the top of her head. “Well?”
“I have heard of you,” he muttered, a heavy
frown digging deep like war-time trenches across his forehead.
Carly shut her gaping mouth and spluttered,
He straightened, his hands leaving the
armrests and half-turned to examine the cockpit for several beats. His gaze
swept back to take a long thorough look up her body and fastened onto her face.
A mocking smile quirked one side of his lips and he said, tongue in cheek, “Not
you. Your kind and how the Darkon males have found release from cycles of
impotency. After seeing you, I find this difficult to believe.”
The man was a total dick.
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links: website - http://www.segilchrist.com
Twitter - @SEGilchrist1
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SEGilchrist
Goodreads - http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6587665.S_E_Gilchrist
F2F writing group - http://hunterromancewriters.wordpress.com/
Twitter - @SEGilchrist1
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SEGilchrist
Goodreads - http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6587665.S_E_Gilchrist
F2F writing group - http://hunterromancewriters.wordpress.com/