
Friday, 8 December 2017

Excited!!! Publication Day for Winnawarra

    Heart pounding suspense and feel good romance set in the Australian Outback.
Emily Perkins is over the moon to learn Jock Macgregor has left her a share in Winnawarra Station in the magnificent Kimberly region of Outback Australia. The bonus comes when she realises, his handsome grandson, Doug is the man of her dreams. She loves working beside him and every day is an adventure.
After receiving a letter from Jock, she discovers he was convinced the accident that killed his son and daughter-in-law was actually murder, and he included her in his will to investigate the deaths.
When accidents start happening to Emily, and she hears footsteps outside her room at night, she is convinced someone is stalking her.
Is she next on the killer’s list?
Isolated on an Outback cattle ranch, will strong, dependable Doug be able to keep her safe?
A murderer is loose at Winnawarra Station, and she must race against time to identify the killer before he strikes again.

PUBLISHER NOTE: Australian Rural Romance. A full-length Romantic Suspense novel of 81,372 words.
The stark emptiness of the building unnerved her, not one person remained. She moved towards a drink dispenser and dropping her bags in a heap by her feet, searched her purse for change. She selected a bottle of water and waited for it to thump into the collection slot. Nothing happened. The next moment the machine shook violently and the plastic bottle shot from the front opening. As she bent to secure her purchase, a dark shadow fell across her path.
She staggered backwards and tripped over her bags. Someone grabbed her around the waist, and she gaped up at a tall man wearing a battered cowboy hat. Embarrassed, she straightened, intending to move past him to recover her drink. “Thank you.”
“No worries.”
His deep voice settled her nerves, but the sight of him fascinated her. Her gaze moved over shoulders wide enough to carry a piano, encased in a pale blue tee shirt stretched across a muscular chest, then down to worn jeans and dusty boots. He scooped the bottle up in one suntanned hand and held it out to her. The deepest blue eyes she had ever seen in her life scanned her features. She stared back at his handsome face taking in his long straight nose and determined chin. The ragged pink scar along his jaw gave him a roguish appearance but did not detract from the animal magnetism given off by the stranger. A lock of raven hair had fallen over one eye, and she had the sudden need to tuck the curl under the brim of his hat. Oh my God! You are gorgeous. Dragging her attention back to reality, she took the water from him and smiled. “Thank you, again.”
“You’d be Emily, right?” He straightened to a good six-five, and one dark eyebrow rose in question. “The English girl my grandfather sent to straighten out us blokes.”
She held out her hand. “Yes, I’m Emily Perkins. I’ll be happy to help out any way I can.”
“I’m not sure why he sent for you. I can see you’re having problems with the heat and it’s only going to get worse.” He had not taken her hand but rubbed his chin eyeing her critically. “I’m sorry, love, but you won’t last a week at Winnawarra.”
Her hackles rose in defence before she noticed the amusement in his eyes. Was he laughing at her? Fine, agreed she did look a bit frazzled from the flight with her hair in an air travel-induced mess and her shirt was stuck to her with perspiration, but that was no excuse. She lifted her chin and glared at him. “Really?” She gave him an exaggerated once-over. “Tell me, are all the ‘blokes’ in this part of the world so condescending or is rudeness some type of an Australian, alpha male come on?”
A wide grin slashed across his bronzed face, and he stuck out one hand.
“You’ll do.” He closed one calloused palm around her fingers then dropped her hand like a hot coal. “Doug Macgregor and trust me, sweetheart, if I came on to you, you’d know.”

Buy links: e-book and print

Thursday, 19 October 2017

WINNAWARRA - A heart pounding suspense and feel good romance set in the Australian Outback

I am over the moon to share the cover reveal of WINNAWARRA 

A heart pounding suspense and feel good romance set in the Australian Outback

On Pre-sale now:

Australia: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B076KL4GNS
U.S. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076KL4GNS
U.K. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B076KL4GNS


Emily Perkins is over the moon to learn Jock Macgregor has left her a share in Winnawarra Station in the magnificent Kimberly region of Outback Australia. The bonus comes when she realises, his handsome grandson, Doug is the man of her dreams. She loves working beside him and every day is an adventure.
After receiving a letter from Jock, she discovers he was convinced the accident that killed his son and daughter-in-law was actually murder, and he included her in his will to investigate the deaths.
When accidents start happening to Emily, and she hears footsteps outside her room at night, she is convinced someone is stalking her.
Is she next on the killer’s list?
Isolated on an Outback cattle ranch, will strong, dependable Doug be able to keep her safe?
A murderer is loose at Winnawarra Station, and she must race against time to identify the killer before he strikes again.
PUBLISHER NOTE: Australian Rural Romance. A full-length Romantic Suspense novel of 81,372 words.


Thursday, 28 September 2017

Winnawarra- Coming December!

I'm over the moon to share this announcement with you!

Luminosity Publishing Welcomes Australian Rural Romance Author – Elizabeth M. Darcy

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Luminosity Publishing extends a warm welcome to Elizabeth M. Darcy.
Elizabeth writes Australian Rural Romance. Winnawarra is the first book in a brand new romantic suspense series called Red Skies, featuring life in the Australian OutbackThis will be released in December 2017.
Romance One Word At A Time
Born in London, England and now living in Australia, Elizabeth spent twenty years in a small rural town before moving to the coast. She enjoys the thrill of writing romance and creates stories that will remain with the reader long after the final page.

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Patience: An author's best friend.

Patience as a author is one of the things many authors find the hardest. Okay, so you have written a story, polished it within an inch of its life then found a publisher who actually publishes the genre.

You have followed the submission guidelines and what happens next?

1. You receive a rejection within a few days.
2. You hear nothing for about three months and a rejection.
3. You hear nothing for three months maybe four then received a request for the full.
4. Six months goes by and you hear nothing at all....usually time to try a different publisher.

About this time, you experience, worry, anxiousness, and feelings of self-doubt.


Try not to worry and rather use writing another story as a distraction and soon you will have three or more stories all waiting for a lovely publisher to make an offer.

The same goes with agents. Many never contact you, most have a secretary to send a form rejection.

The moral to my story is, keep trying. Very few authors are published, fewer have agents. Some hit gold with their first book, others take time to perfect their craft.

It is pointless looking at other author's success and wishing you had the same "luck". Yes, people can be in the right place at the right time, be the first to have a unique idea for a story but that doesn't make them any better than you.

Keep writing because you want to tell a story. Enjoy what you are doing, learn your craft because no matter what, learning the basics is crucial to success.

Most of all.

Never Give Up.


Sunday, 12 February 2017


I loved writing "The End" to another m/f cowboy romance . It made me happy :-D.
I have a new story waiting in the wings ready to fly first thing tomorrow. Today, I've done enough, the Muse will have to wait. Next I'll write a novella and get my Mojo working again for the next novel- murder mystery, next time maybe, or another sexy romance...ah, I love my life.