
Saturday, 15 April 2017

Patience: An author's best friend.

Patience as a author is one of the things many authors find the hardest. Okay, so you have written a story, polished it within an inch of its life then found a publisher who actually publishes the genre.

You have followed the submission guidelines and what happens next?

1. You receive a rejection within a few days.
2. You hear nothing for about three months and a rejection.
3. You hear nothing for three months maybe four then received a request for the full.
4. Six months goes by and you hear nothing at all....usually time to try a different publisher.

About this time, you experience, worry, anxiousness, and feelings of self-doubt.


Try not to worry and rather use writing another story as a distraction and soon you will have three or more stories all waiting for a lovely publisher to make an offer.

The same goes with agents. Many never contact you, most have a secretary to send a form rejection.

The moral to my story is, keep trying. Very few authors are published, fewer have agents. Some hit gold with their first book, others take time to perfect their craft.

It is pointless looking at other author's success and wishing you had the same "luck". Yes, people can be in the right place at the right time, be the first to have a unique idea for a story but that doesn't make them any better than you.

Keep writing because you want to tell a story. Enjoy what you are doing, learn your craft because no matter what, learning the basics is crucial to success.

Most of all.

Never Give Up.
